Facebook's new format squashes events.. so...
Greetings Friends and Fans!
My apologies from my absence on the blog as of late. The expectations of a number of items that the BAND and I were working have come up short, and I’ve actually had a pretty rough time trying to process where to turn next. That and a host of just day to day personal stresses have put me into a bit of a coast.
There are actually no complaints here however. I could start this entry by complaining about a number of wishlist items that are once again on hold, due to circumstances somewhat out of our control. But honesty, none of it was crucial.. only desired.. (The promo material, and a concept of the “request songs live” that we are building has certain promo and website logistics that we are putting together). But when we get back out of the weeds of that, truth is, all of my musical projects from solo to full band have been thriving lately and we’ve had great events!
Anyway, I wanted to once again express my deep gratitude to friends, fans, and family that have been supporting our endeavors this year! Your support through sharing the events, messaging other people to get them excited, sharing pics and video that you capture, and subscribing here to the Newsletter, etc have kept us working hard, learning new songs, crafting better live shows, and helping us to succeed in our efforts.
So.. speaking of live shows, specifically.. Announcements of live events:
I will be implementing some changes on the BlairOutLoud Facebook Page in regards to FB Events:
Starting this summer:
I will slowly begin to NOT create FB Events for my live shows. I will instead keep this website’s calendar and my BandsInTown site updated, and I’ll share back to FB each week with a Pinned Post.
Creating events on Facebook has become increasingly problematic and the whole process of creating, posting, and getting the venues to share in the co-hosting of events (so that our event will pop up on their pages) is becoming a HUGE MESS. Musicians and venues are slowly starting to figure out that this whole process does not do much good for all involved. The ROI (return on investment) is so low it’s just not worth it.
Below is a screenshot of my Page on desktop, where you can still click on the Events Tab and see my Upcoming Events. But this will all change soon….
Here’s the older FB formatting where the Events Tab is visible. I’ve managed to hold on to the old formatting for just a little longer.. but I am guessing they will permanently transition everyone over soon…
Facebook asks you to pay to get your event in front of more of your “Followers”, and I use that term in quotes, because unless you pay to boost your posts, less than 10% (as best I can figure) actually see anything from you. If the actual percentage is different, then let me know.. I can’t tell you how many times I was astonished that people that follow my BlairOutLoud FB page still had no idea where I was playing around town.
Upgraded formatting does look cleaner.. but it squashes the Events Tab (they’re in “About” but how would you know?)
The new formatting of Pages on Facebook is really problematic for musicians trying to promote for Events. Here’s an example of my buddy Roy Saunders (go follow him.. he’s great!).
He switched over to the new FB format and his events are still there.. but you gotta go dig for them.. Spoiler: You have to click “About” now and scroll way down to find them. What a pain.. that is.. not him… he’s great!
Below is a screenshot of my BlairOutLoud Page on mobile:
The old format showed much more information upfront, but I would agree with some that it’s boxy and cluttered. However, you can clearly see the Events Tab and click on it to see where I’m playing.
Older formatting is boxy and cluttered, but viewers can instantly see my Events Tab..
When you click on Events, you actually went to a full page of events, and the thumbnails are still in wide-screen format.. so any artwork that you produced for the event in a wide format is pinned to each event properly… and you see reoccurring events at the top before scrolling down to see special events below.
On the new format, you have to click on “About”.. then scroll past artist Bio, Details, Page Transparency, etc.. to finally see “Upcoming Events”. But it only shows a preview of 2 events. If you then click “See All”, you FINALLY get to a full page of events, although when you are on desktop… Your full page of events that you finally get to all have square formatting for the thumbnails.. therefore discounting any nice flyer that you designed with wide-screen formatting in mind.
Here’s Roy Saunders’ FB Page on Desktop:
What I notice is that, you have two places to dig for Events.. you can click on About and scroll, or you can click “More” and then “Events”, and then you finally see Upcoming Events with square thumbnails for the pics.
Roy Saunders Music FB Page on desktop
And one more thing: Facebook choose to move your Profile picture (circle) and place it on top of your image at the top of your Page (so if you had a great video, or a great custom image for your brand, then the Profile pic covers the middle of it, so that’s a bummer as well.
Notice Roy putting all his August Shows on one flyer and sharing it to FB… gotta hand it to him, this is probably the best way to get the word out and move on, on this format moving forward.
Roy, if you’re reading this.. I applaud your tenacity, and keep kicking ass brother!
I appreciate my FB Page, and after all, I got BlairOutLoud started there before I built my profiles everywhere else. I’m thankful for all of the tools for promotion that we have on that platform, but when it comes to Events.. I can see the writing on the wall. It’s a pain to keep up, and with the new FB formatting changes, Events are squashed to the point that you can’t hardly find them on most updated musician’s pages.
I’m usually all for change, but for musicians, the latest FB changes in formatting are not helpful at all for promoting events and helping people find where you’ll be easier.
So..in conclusion: I’m done with all that.
Officially, I will be promoting by Calendar Page here (and don’t forget the calendar on my HOME page at the bottom), and I’ll share artwork, flyers, and other content back to FB when it will benefit the most.
Take care of yourselves.. Please be careful out there this summer with the rise in Delta covid exposure. See you around town!
Tom Blair