Harkening back to a time when flannel, chain wallets, and combat boots reigned supreme and when people actually watched music videos on television, Jeremy Would Let Me Drown brings you the music of three pioneers of the grunge rock movement: Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, and Soundgarden.

With a desire to replicate the nostalgia of the time and the musicianship that crafted so many incredible songs, Jeremy gives fans of these three juggernaut rock bands an opportunity to see their music come alive on one stage together. Guitarist Tom Blair and drummer Jeff Wheeler share vocal duties to recreate the gritty style and lyrical angst of Eddie Vedder, the haunting harmonies of Layne Staley and Jerry Cantrell, and the dual-threat, deep-and-wailing vocal acrobatics of Chris Cornell. Combined with the impressive leads and solos from Ben Daniels on guitar and the powerful and driving bass riffs from Cal Wooten, the four members of Jeremy play together in honor of and tribute to these bands that they love and respect so much. Do not miss an opportunity to see Jeremy Would Let Me Drown!