A few thoughts about my Newsletter...
Hi there! Hope you are having a stellar beginning to the 2021!
I wanted to take a moment to check-in with my friends and fans.
First of all, I appreciate everything you do to help support my efforts, to help make BlairOutLoud a fun, successful, and inspiring brand. Yes, it’s just a simple label (that my wonderful wife thought up), but I have a solid opportunity to grow the brand into a decent small business, and I want to use my momentum to inspire others to do the same! Those of you that know me, know that I’m hustling BIG TIME to make it all work.
So.. when I ask for a “LIKE” on Facebook, or a “retweet”, or if I ask you to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel, SHARE my posts and stories, or SIGN-UP for my BlairOutLoud Newsletter, there are many of you out there that go ahead and do this just to help out. Knowing that there’s not a ton of value behind those actions, you still find a way to contribute... and I NOTICE IT ALL.. and I’m SO THANKFUL FOR IT!
Speaking of the BlairOutLoud Monthly Shout (this is my clever title).. LOL:
It hasn’t been so “monthly” has it?
In one sense I feel like I can probably do better to send out more of these, but just so you know where I’m coming from.. I’m still learning about this type of tool and how to use it.
At first, I had the Newsletter thing rolling every month (most months) in 2019 into last year, BUT, this was before my website was published.. HUH?! So it was ALL BACKWARDS. And I know this, but like I said.. I had to make a few mistakes to get all of this “intrawebs” stuff off the ground for the brand.
My first Newsletters were formatted in a way where I essentially was trying to send out what can only be described as a “decorated blog post”, with some show announcements, and other promo for projects. After a few months of laboring over it in this way, I realized that the blog posts should be the main communication and the newsletter clue the audience, YOU, in on the stuff that you might have missed, including recent show announcements and blog posts.. FROM MY WEBSITE.
Some of you that are already skilled in this area are rolling your eyes.. I KNOW I KNOW>> I guess I just had to do it wrong in order to get the knowledge of how to get everything back on track.
So now.. The BlairOutLoud website is rolling, and there have been a few Newsletters sent, but EVERY MONTH.. nope.. not yet at least.
I don’t know.. I feel like, if I’m going to send you something into your email INBOX, I should have something to say right? OR, at the least I should have already published a few things, and now I’m sending them your way to get you caught up, right? This seems a little more professional, a better use of your time and my time.
I’ve had people at my shows ask why I don’t send my show announcements out every week via the Newsletter. And I guess I would, if I had enough demand for that. However, I have a ridiculous email INBOX just like all of you do. The influencers that I follow and products that I buy.. those company emails come EVERY week.. I KNOW THEY GET IGNORED. After a while it’s just more NOISE that you have to IGNOR to get your work done. I just don’t want to start doing that to my fans. Seems irresponsible.
I am going to send out a “Monthly Shout” at least once a month. I’m making a new commitment for the year to do this every month if possible. However, if for some reason I realize that there’s just not much to say.. maybe I’ve drenched my social media with announcements and news.. maybe it’s been a tame month.. maybe I’m not inspired.. Whatever it is. I’M NOT GONNA WASTE YOUR TIME.
I’m excited to announce: You’ll see a Newsletter from me this week!
But I’m going to strip the decor a bit. I’m going to add a photo at the top and a small message, and hop right into the announcements and links back over here (back to BlairOutLoud.com) to my recent news and blog posts.
I think the simplicity of this will be appreciated, and it will allow me to recalibrate the “newsletter tool” to continue to spread the influence of the brand.
Hope you enjoy it!
Enjoy your week!
See you at the next show!
-Tom Blair