Here we go again 🍀 St Paddy's on the way!
Is it St Paddy’s Day already?! Spring is here.. and St Patrick’s Day is this weekend! The BlairOutLoud BAND is very excited to be back at Center Street Tavern this year, for the second year in a row. We are bringing the party Saturday night 3/16 to Center Street! Get there early for a table and let the festivities begin!
New Promo Reel for BlairOutLoud DUO!
The BlairOutLoud DUO, namely Tom and Amanda Blair, present their latest Promotional Reel, recently shot at Center Street Tavern in Acworth, GA. Here is a number of clips from the performance with some insight on what the DUO offers, and invites you to book an event!
Shoutout to Center Street Tavern! 📣
Shoutout to Center Street Tavern! The owners have been so supportive of our efforts with BlairOutLoud DUO. We have lots of events lined up from now through the summer and beyond. But.. let’s crank it up a notch.. St Patty’s Day FULL BAND in action at Center Street.. gonna be a fun one!
2️⃣ MAMMOTH BlairOutLoud BAND Dates! ✏️📆
Two Upcoming BlairOutLoud BAND show that we’d love for you to be a part of: Feb 25th at Good ‘Ol Days in Cumming, GA, and then on St Patty’s Day March 17th, come party with us at Center Street Tavern in Acworth, GA! Gonna be a fun start to spring! Mark your calendars and come see us!